Wanting to learn more about the voting process, your elected officials, where to pay your property taxes or find information on jury duty? Here’s where to start.
There’s a wealth of information here on how register to vote, where to vote, when to vote, how to change a party affiliation, how to vote early or by mail. (Yes, we’ve been doing that for awhile here.) Thinking of running for public office or want to help out at the polls? There’s information on how to do that, as well as occasional updates from Pasco County Supervisor of Elections, Brian E. Corley.
Being an educated voter is of special import, so be sure to check out information on candidates running for office.
Pasco County Florida
Visit here for information on various county services – what’s going on with COVID-19, social services, animal control, parks and rec as well as household concerns such as trash services and watering restrictions. Visitors can keep up with their county commissioners and the work they are tending to by checking out meeting agendas and minutes. Also has links to other helpful local, state and federal government websites. Updates on Facebook and Twitter.
City of New Port Richey
Information of city government, elected officials, services, city parks, events and more for those living within the city limits. Lots of updates, events and general information about what’s happening can be found on the city’s Downtown New Port Richey Facebook page.
Pasco County Tax Collector, Mike Fasano
General tax information, pay your taxes, apply for drivers licence, vehicle registrations, records search and recreational license information. Frequent newsy updates posted on Facebook.
Pasco County Clerk and Comptroller
The Pasco County Clerk serves as Auditor, Ex-officio Clerk of the County Commission, Finance Officer and Recorder Treasurer. Find information here on court services, record searches, jury services and more. Has helpful “how to” instruction on a variety of subjects such as paying traffic violations and child support or bidding on a foreclosure.
Serving Pasco and Pinellas Counties
Find information on court holidays, locations, judges as well as services on ADA assistance, court reporting, court services, domestic violence issues and more. Located at West Pasco Judicial Center, 7530 Little Road
New Port Richey, FL 34654
Pasco County Sheriff
Sheriff’s Administration Office
8700 Citizens Dr.
New Port Richey, Fl. 34654
(727) 847-5878
District 1
7432 Little Rd.
New Port Richey, Fl. 34654
(727) 847-5878
Sheriff’s Operation Center
Emergencies: 911
Non-Emergencies: (727) 847-5878
District 3
11530 Trinity Blvd.
Trinity, Fl. 34655
(727) 372-5920
6739 Adams Street
New Port Richey, FL 34652
Phone – 911 – EMERGENCIES
(727) 841-4550.
Email Chief Kim Bogart at bogartk@cityofnewportrichey.org