Onward | Raising a tide of resistance

Thoughts from the editor

By Michele Miller
What’s What New Port Richey

January 31, 2025

If you’ve been sailing through these last couple of weeks unabated then you might want to skip this read.

If you’re having a hard time with the fire hose that’s been purposefully directed in a way meant to drown the spirit and send us into a state of despair and disbelief, well welcome aboard.

There’s a protocol. They’re following it. Welcome to 2025.

I’d like to say we’ve been here before but “we” haven’t and that’s pretty darn scary when it comes to dipping into the tool drawer. As a country, our ancestors and forefathers had their own brave battles, so there is some history with scrapping with oppressive red coats. Then there’s the whole notion of “history repeating itself.”

And here we are.

This is some new very rocky terrain and we’re equipped with no ready map on how to navigate on our own turf save for a GPS created by a high tech industry that looks to steer us off a cliff.

Two weeks in and there are no ready answers or playbook to confer with. Leadership is either all-in or too impotent in standing up to this chaotic wake that just keeps coming.

We are shell-shocked. It’s intentional. It is meant to weaken.

Not so fast.

There is one tool – one thought I’m pulling on today because, in this moment, it’s what I’ve got.

“A rising tide lifts all boats” is a saying applied to the health of a robust economy.

Perhaps the same can be said for a movement.

Maybe it starts today with the lifting of yourself, which can be undeniably difficult to do when in distress. Tending to self-care dials down the volume and tunes the din out for a time, because while this crap needs to be dealt with, it does not deserve your undivided attention.

Keeping that for yourself is a step in nurturing the seeds of rebellion from single grain to rising wave.

Take a break from the doom-scrolling. Limit your time or get off altogether social media apps that are headed by nefarious, self-serving ownership spoon-feeding sheep-herding algorithms that breed bad opinions instead of facts.

Go for a walk in the woods instead. Take a run down the trail. Go a round or two or three with a punching bag. Find your peace on a yoga mat. Get out in your garden. Paint a picture. Write a poem. Start a journal. Listen to music. Belt it out. Dance like everyone’s watching and you don’t give a shit.

Catch your breath. Rise up. Lift your own boat. Help your people do the same.

Now onward

Peace – M