Onward | Time for City Dwellers To Do Their Civic Duty

Municipal Elections are coming in April and yes, these elections are important, too.

March 15, 2025

By Michele Miller
What’s What New Port Richey

Municipal Elections are just weeks away, and by now, I’m hoping that all who are eligible have registered to vote on election day – April 8, 2025.

Here – with small, local government – is where it all starts, after all. The power of the people can feel more tangible when results are closer to home. That’s if you become part of the process. If you voice your say in who you want in charge of things by filling out a ballot.

On the west side, City Council seats are up for grabs for the City of New Port Richey election and the City of Port Richey, which also has 14 charter amendments for voters to weigh in on. Municipal elections would also be held in the cities of Zephyrhills and San Antonio if the candidates up for election had some opposition.

They don’t.

Eligible voters who reside in the cities of New Port Richey and Port Richey have some time to familiarize themselves with potential candidates and the issues on the Port Richey ballot, as well as all the ins and outs of voting through PascoVotes.gov.

Under the leadership of our Supervisor of Elections, Brian Corely, this website is an impressive and valuable tool that puts an abundance of information at your fingertips – literally. How to Vote. How to register to vote. How to find your precinct. Sample Ballots. Election Dates. How to see how many people have voted so far (.72% as of March 14) and break that down by party.

And how to sign up to vote by mail AGAIN because even if you’ve done that before – “New Rules” – if you want to continue to vote by mail you have to register again after the 2024 election.

That was recently brought to my attention through a very friendly text message reminder from PascoVotes because I signed up for that service a while ago. It also has a handy feature of tracking my mail-in vote from when it is received to when it is counted.

That’s something you might want to get on if you haven’t already. Midterms are coming.

Now onward.


Here are some quick links for PascoVotes

Candidate Forums
(as of publication, there were none scheduled on pascovotes)

Active Registered Voters 3/14/25

Republican: 181,116
Democratic: 105,293
No Party: 110,886
Minor Party: 14,884
Total: 412,179

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