Onward | Procrastination or claiming a well spent moment?

Thoughts from the editor

The old man tosses a line at Honeymonn Island State Park which is open in some parts while currently under refurbishment. PHOTO | MICHELE MILLER

What’s What New Port Richey

“What’s up for today?” the old man was asking over coffee and early morning backyard bird watching way before I was up for putting any thought into it.

“Whatever I want,” came the answer which feels very freeing and empowering, too, when you say it aloud and mean it. Even if it’s just for a day or a few hours because later on and tomorrow bring obligations you can’t or don’t want to beg off.

Work. Doctor’s appointments. Saving the country.

That devil-may-care notion melded from one day into another and another to the point where one might call it full-moon fancy or simply procrastination because, yes, I knew full well I was blowing off self-imposed story deadlines and not feeling guilty about it because that’s an option at this time of my life.


Thing is, it felt more than good to spend time in the home vegetable garden which is flourishing nicely with all sorts of food that is feeding us.

Napping at the beach at Honeymoon Island State Park, a long-time favorite haunt that I’ve missed visiting since the hurricanes came through and decimated the place.

And a spur-of-the-moment lunchtime local hiking venture that brought us to the bird blind at Jay B. Starkey Wilderness Park where a calming comfort settled in the still as we waited it out camera and binoculars at hand.

“Maybe it’s all for naught,” I was thinking as the mid-day heat caught up to us and I noted that the sun was too high for good photos just as a tall white egret waded into view.

Then again.

A moment well-spent. Stack ’em up.

Now onward. M <3

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