What’s What New Port Richey

In the old days, before I made the resolution to never make another New Year’s resolution, I might be putting procrastination on the list of things I should be thinking about tackling.
“Alas,” my scolding inner voice would be saying, “There you are on the New Year’s Day tapping out the monthly editor’s missive for the What’s What newsletter that is scheduled to go out today when you could have wrapped this all up yesterday along with 2024.”
“Serves you right.”
Actually, it does serve me right. Dropped the New Year’s ball, one might say – purposefully.
As I did yesterday when the garden was calling and my head wasn’t into pumping out prose, I am spending the day as I please. 2025 started with a gentle online yoga class followed by morning coffee on the back porch while keeping company with the old man and the backyard birds. They are, by the way a delight to observe and more diverse than ever these days with the winter migration and their natural instincts that bring them here where we are fortunate as all get out to be treated to a “Birdseye view.”
It’s okay, I figure, to pass on the annual tradition of rigorous New Year’s resolutions and making promises you’re unlikely to keep, so much so that the second Friday in January has come to be popularly known as “Quitter’s Day.”
One person’s procrastination can be another’s option to set a much-needed boundary, to find a balance that has been lacking, or simply to go with the flow and have a turn at living in the moment that right now, has me sharing these thoughts with you.
Clean your slate when you will. Take delight where you find it.
Might make for a happy new year.
Peace. M