Onward | October Happenings Herald Autumn’s Arrival

The times they are a changing.....

It's the plethora of cool season events rather than changing leaves that herald the arrival of fall in these Florida flatlands. PHOTO | MICHELE MILLER

By Michele Miller
What’s What New Port Richey

October 1, 2023

September provided an end-of-summer escape to parts north. There the whiff of autumn was in the air on a few crisp mornings reminding us of life’s impermanence and Mother Nature’s circular time frame. The farming and backyard gardening season was coming to an end in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia, just as we were gearing up for what we know as our better planting days here in the Florida flatlands

We trekked back home to trade the allure of old covered bridges, breathtaking vistas and mountain waterfalls for favorite fishing spots and sparkling beaches, some of which had taken a transforming beating when Idalia blew through the tepid Gulf.

Hurricane season wanes (we hope) and along with that, comes a plethora of events to mark the changing season.

Colorful leaves and early frosts are no indication of things to come in these parts, rather the anticipated tempering of heat and humidity and the return of seasonal events such as the Cotee River Bike Fest, Monufest, Pack the Park and Rocky Horror Picture Show that roll around like clockwork each October. Add to that the Fall Fests and spooky events that are popping up in a place where kids don’t have to wear winter coats over their Halloween costumes. Might even break a sweat loading up on treats as they galavant the streets of downtown NPR. Word is there are expected to be some 5,000 goblins, ghouls and other costumed characters coming out for the downtown Trick or Treating event on the 31st.

How cool is that?

There is indeed a lot to take in this month in and around New Port Richey. Seems every day there’s another new event to add to the What’s What calendars – a little something for everyone whether it’s a night out on the town, a day at the park, a place to find a hot meal or a bag of groceries or a way to give back.

October has sprung. Go ahead, get out there and see for yourself.

Now onward. 🙂

Michele Miller
What’s What New Port Richey